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I know no ones going to look at this but im gonna do it any way. HI


I like having recces the way it is. there is nothing wrong with it.



today we had gym and it sucked. you wanna know why. because there was cheaters cheating. we played kick ball witch is a game like baseball except you through the ball at people. well I was running to 3d base and I slide on my back and touched base but geuse what! I’m out because I touched base and was hit. also we played capture the flag and a lot more people cheated by getting taged on our side so we lost one of the flag left. but it was really close to there side. so we cheated back at them but WE got in trouble and they didn’t. and when we cheated they complained and said they aren’t cheating we were. so I had a fun day what about you.

more sciencey hard stuff

heart is about the size of your fist color is a dark red pumps oxygen and blood through your body its slimy

atrium is really small its kind of pink it moves blood to other places

ventricle is a muscle for the heart. its shaped like a triangle and purplish red

valves close and opens letting blood flow through your body its round and a dark bluish

aorta is a valve the prevents back flow of a blood in to the ventricle

vessels transports blood to the heart its like a tube shaped dark blue

arties sends air to the blood cells looks like tubes and very red

veins carry’s waste and carbon and it looks like blue tubes

capillaries carry blood tube shape and looks red

lungs takes in oxygen and it looks pinks

blood cells 1 white cells kills infected areas

blood cells 2 red cells carry’s oxygen

brain is an organ that controls everything

sciencey hard stuff

your body is important because if you didn’t have lungs you would be dead. or a heart to keep your blood keep flowing you would still be dead. IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE ANY OF THAT YOU WOULD BE DEAD NO EXEPTIONS.

first things first you breath through either you nostril or mouth to your lungs to your bronicules. then the oxygen through you bronicules to your heart. then inside your heart is these things called a left and right ventricles and atrium. first the oxygen goes through the right ventricle then the right atrium. then the carbon goes through the left atrium, ventricle. then carbon and waste goes through veins to capillars then they divide into more blood vessels.

hi idk where to go to find the list of stuff so ya.
